The teaching staff of the European Schools are made up of seconded staff (détaché) and locally recruited staff (chargé de cours).
Seconded staff
The Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools (ES) foresees as basic teaching staff, seconded teachers, appointed by the Member States for a fixed period of time.
To consult the statute and apply as a seconded teacher, please consult the information available on the website of the Secretary-General of the European Schools www.eursc.eu
Locally recruited staff
In addition to seconded staff, the European Schools need locally recruited staff in the following cases:
- The teaching of religion. They are appointed by competent authorities.
- Occupation of a post budgeted in the organisation chart of the school, which has not been filled by a seconded teacher by the country concerned.
- Take over classes whose number of hours is not sufficient to justify the creation of a full-time position.
- Temporary replacement of absent teachers (sick leave, maternity leave, parental leave, etc.)
The Director may hire these staff on a part-time or full-time basis to meet the above needs.
The competent national inspector of the European Schools will validate the diplomas at the time of the selection of a teacher.
For further information, please consult the statute of locally recruited staff on the website of the Secretary-General of the European Schools www.eursc.eu
Candidatures should be sent to the following email address: ALI-RECRUITMENT @ eursc.eu
1 Teacher of Latvian mother tongue at Nursery and Primary level
Profesores para sustituciones temporales en Secundaria
Profesores para sustituciones temporales en Infantil y Primaria
2018-03-D-23-en-3 - Privacy statement for recruitment
The administration of the European Schools, as well as that of the General Office of the European Schools, is made up of administrative and service staff (PAS). This staff is locally recruited by the Director.