Extracurricular activities in Secondary


The European School of Alicante is in charge of organizing extracurricular activities for Secondary.

This service is contracted to a specialized company through a public procedure. From 1 September 2024, the new contract awarded to the company MUNDOSPORT gestión deportiva, s.l.u. will come into force.

Extracurricular activities in the Secondary cycle are held from Monday to Friday after school hours and run from October until May..


Coordinator: Héctor Torregrosa

 (+34) 625.499.563




Dear Families,

One more year we are pleased to announce that we will organize extracurricular activities for secondary school. As we have been doing in recent years, we attach the dossier of activities in both Spanish and English languages, from which you can access the online registration form and register your children in all the activities they wish.

We remain at your disposal to resolve any doubts or queries that may arise during this registration period, although at the end of this initial period, during the course, you can continue to sign up for all those activities that are running.

As you can see in the dossier, you can contact us through the info@mundosport.net  email or by phone (0034) 625.499.563.

It is important to bear in mind that, depending on the groups that are formed for each of the activities, the schedules may undergo small adjustments, of which you would always be informed in advance.

For activities that take place on Wednesday afternoons, if you wish to register for the canteen service, please complete the form you will find on our website - School cantine.

Looking forward to having your children in the extracurricular activities during 2024-2025.

Kind regards.