Choice of subjects from S1 to S2: Minimum of 33 periods
Possibility to add Latin (2 periods)
Courses choice form
- Only accessible for completion from the student's account.
Choice of subjects from S2 to S3: Minimum of 31 periods
Possibility to continue with Latin if it has been taken in S2.
Possibility to continue with ICT.
Latín and ICT cannot be selected together.
Courses choice form
- Only accessible for completion from the student's account.
Choice of subjects from S3 to S4: Minimum of 31 periods
Need to choose between Mathematics 4 and Mathematics 6.
Need to choose from the following electives to complete a minimum of 31 periods and a maximum of 35 periods overall:
- Art (2periods)
- Music (2 periods)
- ICT (2 periods)
- Language IV (4 periods)
- Latin (4 periods)
- Economics (4 periods)
Choice of subjects from S5 to S6: Minimum of 31 periods
Need to choose between Mathematics 3 and Mathematics 5.
Need to choose a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 periods from the following 4-period electives: Art, Biology, Economics, Philosophy, Physics, Geography, History, Latin, L3, L4, Music, Chemistry.
Possibility of taking advanced subjects: L1, L2, Mathematics.
Possibility of taking 1 complementary subject: Art, extra sport, technical drawing, ICT, L4, biology laboratory, physics laboratory, chemistry laboratory, sociology, theatre.
Should you have any problem with the form, please contact: