

¿How can we define STEAMulus?

Maybe we could take the following thought as motto:

« Le véritable voyage de découverte ne consiste pas à chercher de nouveaux paysages, mais à avoir de nouveaux yeux », Marcel Proust.

« El verdadero viaje de descubrimiento no consiste en buscar nuevos paisajes, sino en tener nuevos ojos », Marcel Proust.

« The real journey of discovery does not consist in looking for new landscapes, but in having new eyes», Marcel Proust.

This new educational tool serves to stimulate and encourage in all students the interest and taste in research from first to seventh grade.

In this environment, it is intended from scientific reasoning to investigate all types of projects including all areas of knowledge.

In fact, the acronym STEAM stands for "Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics." This means that when we talk about science we not only refer to chemistry, biology, physics but we also think about human, geography, history, economics; Technology is among other things: information technology, ICT and applies to any subject that needs specific instruments, technical resources or procedures. In art, we will include all kinds of activity where any form of expression will be present as matter, image and sound. Without forgetting the languages as a common denominator as support in the communication and compression of the exchanges between all these fields.


Specifically, projects (mainly developed by teachers) will be carried out in groups stimulating the inclusion of all students with the support of all teachers who wish to participate in it.

The fundamental aspects of these projects will focus on students being able to:

 - Develop creativity and design

 - Foster individual critical thinking

 - Improve self-esteem

 - Increase communication skills

 - Stimulate research and curiosity

 - Increase the desire to analyze, learn, discover and investigate

 - Give the same opportunities for success to all students

 - Complement and/or replace passive and memorial learning

Complementary activities

In parallel, a series of conferences will serve to relate the scientific universe to the new challenges of the future.

  • The first conference entitled 11F: 100tíficas was held on February 11, the day of women and girls in science with two speakers Dr Amparo Navarro of the UA and Dr María Domínguez of CSIC – UMH delighting us with their experiences and expert knowledge.

    • The next conference is scheduled for April 22 on artificial intelligence presented by Dr Nuria Oliver.